Tap into the power of your intuition!

Come a little closer, my Love.

Let me tell you what you already know but have simply forgotten.​​​​​​​​

There is a LOVE that lives inside you, just waiting to be free. A love that desires to roam and explore, to be wild, unfettered, untamed. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​It is tired of being hidden away, kept from joy, scared to be seen. It longs to fly with the wind, dance on the ocean shores, and tumble ecstaticly into the unknown. This love is the truth of you.


You KNOW that you are made for something greater than you are doing. You know you are here to live a life in which you love wildly, speak freely, listen fully and care deeply!

You carry a burning desire inside you that wants to bring richness to the world, you came here to change lives. You know you are worth the risk.

This knowing has lived inside you for as long as you can remember. Dancing, laughing, crying, raging. Consuming you with its longing and passion. 

And you understand that even though you fear this part of you, that this is the very truth of YOU.

This is the truth of who you came here to be. This is the part of you that longs to be released from its cage. This is the part of you that wants to live free, to be heard, to be seen, the part that wants to live the REAL story of your soul

Like an old friend, it keeps you awake at night whispering its desires in your dreams. It taps gently on your shoulder as you drink your morning coffee pleading with you to do something different. It calls out to you as you wander through your day, weaving its way into your thoughts as it incessantly searches and seeks, craving your attention. And even though you try to ignore it, you know that turning towards this part of you is the medicine that will set you free. 

This part of you won’t let you rest. It propels you forward on an unknown journey that feels frightening and at the same time, exciting. This path, my love, the path that feels so foreign and yet so familiar, is the one that leads you to the MAGIC of who you are. It leads you into a deep and unwavering relationship with your intuition and your loving. It reminds you of the real reasons you are here in this lifetime, in this body.

It’s time, my sweet, to allow your love and magic out into the world. To live your life as it is meant to be lived. To be fully ALIVE. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

You know the world is magical and wild. That it is so much more than you have been taught to believe. You know that life wants to love you, yet you are stopping it and keeping it out. 

You long to be deeply connected to your intuition and to all the beauty of the unseen world, and yet you keep turning away from yourself, from your dreams, from your desires. You want to open your heart and soul to life’s mystery and let yourself dance and play and BELIEVE in magic. You know it is all around you. In every moment. Always. ​​​​​​​​ 

My love, the secret to trusting your intuition is to trust yourself and to let love in.​​​​​​​​ You cannot get it wrong. Life is ALWAYS asking to love you. ​​​​​​​​​​​​

Will you let it? ​​​​​​​​

Learn how to trust your intuition.


My free gift to you, ignite your intuition is a powerful guide that teaches you how to trust yourself and your intuition giving you the power to create life your way!